The Great Controversy
Christ and His Angels
Satan and His Angels

Satan, the very first creation from the hand of He who created all things - Jesus Christ - was the most beautiful, perfect being ever created. Why did he rebel? Why did God create humans? Does God experience human-like emotions? What's happening to this planet, and is there an ultimate solution anywhere?

This fast-moving book covers the important topics of history from God's viewpoint from the entrance of sin in heaven to its final eradication in the creation of the new earth.

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Foreword and Word List

Prophecy being fulfilled now - the Pope writes about keeping Sunday sacred on May 31, 1998.
May we not follow the beast, but honor God by keeping his holy day, sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.

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Romanian version of Great Controversy
Chinese version of Great Controversy
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Ilocano version of Great Controversy (RTF)
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Malay version of Great Controversy (RTF)
Kannada version of Great Controversy (PDF)
Armenian version of Great Controversy (PDF)

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